Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Number One Class at School Assembly!

We are so happy because we were
chosen as the best class during whole
school assembly. We made eye contact
with the speakers and kept our hands
and legs in the right place.
Super audience manners! 

Monday, 24 June 2013

ICT with Room 12

We are learning to:
Use the computer and iPad independently

We know that we are successful when we:
Identify the parts of the computer and talk about what they do
Log on 
Use the mouse correctly
Open the correct programme
Log off

Turn on the iPad
Find the correct app
Take a photo
Turn the volume up or down

Mathematics in Room 12

In maths we are learning to:
Build number knowledge to 10, 20 and 100

We know that we are successful when we:
Read and write numbers to 20
Count forwards to and backwards from 10 and then 20
Give the number before, after and between
Skip count in 2s, 5s and 10s to 100
Solve addition and subtraction problems to 5, 10 and 20

Written Language in Room 12

In  Writing we are learning to: Write about our ideas
We know that we are successful when we:
Draw a picture plan
Start sentences with a capital letter
Write letter sounds and words
Use finger spacing
Put a full stop at the end of a sentence
Extras for experts
Write about our feelings
Write 4 sentences

Handwriting in Room 12

In Handwriting we are learning to:
Form letters and numbers correctly
We know that we are successful when we:
Use the correct starting point
Use the correct pencil grip
Sit letters and numbers on the line
Write letters and numbers the same size

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Making Stuffed Kumara to Celebrate Matariki

This week Room 12 students are taking part in a variety of activities related to the celebration of Matariki- Maori New Year.

 Today we went into the staffroom and did some cooking in our table groups. 

After washing our hands and putting on a shirt to protect our uniform, we took turns at doing these things:

Clean the kumara

Push the buttons on the microwave to cook the kumara

Chop the mushrooms

Grate the cheese

Scrape the kumara insides out

Mash  the kumara

Mix our ingredients together

Spoon the mixture back into the kumara

Sprinkle cheese on top before grilling the kumara


Matariki is a good time to remember how special our friends and family are and to look after them.   We worked on taking turns and sharing equipment when preparing our food.  We took our stuffed kumara home to share with our families.